To design, build maintain and develop a corporate and product website for Doncaster, South Yorkshire based, Pegler Yorkshire. Showcasing in excess of 25,000 product lines, giving the opportunity for visitors to personalise their Pegler Yorkshire web journey, whether they are an Installer, an Architect, or within another ‘role’
A critically acclaimed, large, totally client managed suite of websites conceived and constructed around the Pegler Yorkshire Connect and Control philosophy, with exceptionally powerful and comprehensive in built administrative functionality. This allows full secure control of a myriad of functions, such as automated issuing of Bulletins to selected roles, integrated training functionality and monitoring, an intuitive interactive valve sizing guide, control of thousands of BIM assets, powerful search functionality, creation of personalised brochures and presentations, cost calculator tools, the Insight product selector tool, and a suite a personalised visitor tools and information within the MyPY area.